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We are putting embattled hospital back on solid fiscal ground

Comments on related from late last night: Court, Hospital Board, Banks give new hope for Westlake

By Billy Joe Fudge

Hear, hear! Congratulations to the people of Adair County. We, through our fiscal court, have now officially begun the process to put our embattled hospital back on solid, fiscal ground.

I say officially because the people of Adair County unofficially began the process some time ago when we all became concerned enough to engage in a public discussion about the situation. Each citizen staked out his or her position and then we all collectively as a community worked our way through the democratic process to the point at which we find ourselves at this time.

What we have achieved during the last few months should be an inspiration for our community and even for our families to never be afraid to speak our minds in a civil manor. An honest and concerned public discourse will always serve as a catalyst to not just solving problems but to preventing problems before they can rear their ugly heads.

We have a long way to go but at least now we\'ve taken the most important and difficult step - the first one. - Billy Joe Fudge

Comments re article 53928 Court Hospital Board Banks give new hope for WestlakeQ

This story was posted on 2012-08-21 21:55:42
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