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Joe Hare: We saw the people of Adair Co. pull together

Saving the Hospital. VFW Post Commander sends kudos to the Westlake board, Mr. Pyles, Judge Melton and the Court. Says its time to accept the tax, support the hospital, and show appreciation to the doctors and staff for the job they do.'We are Adair Countians and we can pull through this, but it will take us all.' Joe Hare adds.
Comments on related story from late last night: Court, Hospital Board, Banks give new hope for Westlake

By Joe Hare
Personal Commentary

If you were not at the Fiscal Court Call meeting today you missed a chance to see how the people of Adair County can pull together.

Kudos to the Westlake board for getting to the "bottom line" of this problem we all have and for coming up with a feasible plan to come out of the hole we are in. As stated last week by Mr. Pyles it is not pleasant or nice, but is going to have to be done. Thanks to Judge Melton and Fiscal Court for the work and decisions made to help us keep our hospital.

The plan calls for cuts in salary and personnel, as a starting point. There were many of the employees of Westlake there and their support and willingness to "bite the bullet" is to be commended. I hope the board will not forget this and when things get turned around this will be made up to them.>

The next matter is the 3.7 / 100 tax that has been set by the board, which has created a lot of talk and dissatisfaction. Anyone that knows me, knows I am a "flag waving constitution loving American", but I believe the time has come to lay down our individual pride and accept this tax as part of what it is going to take to save our hospital.

Along this same line it is time we, as the community, do all we can to support Westlake Hospital. We do have good doctors, nurses and all employees. They are willing to endure this hardship and we need to show our appreciation by supporting them and the job they do.

This is something that is going to go a long way in getting us through this crisis. Yes, it is a crisis, for us all. If we lose the hospital think what it will do to every local business in this community. So it affects us all in a very negative way.

I really believe we have learned a lesson here, and a better accounting of hospital business will be looked after in the future.

We are Adair Countians and we can pull through this, but it will take us all. Joe Hare

This story was posted on 2012-08-21 21:16:19
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