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Guest editorial: An endorsement for Saturday Farmers Market

And a review of FM's she has known: She's shopped farmers markets around the world, from Atlanta to Newport, Oregon; to Pyeongtaek, South Korea. Closer to home, Lexington, KY, has her idea of a perfect one. Today's Saturday market opening is, she says, "A step toward become one of the best reasons for living in Adair County. Let's all support them," she says, with a big CM Amen. -EW
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By Barbara Armitage
From the Farm at Tucker's Station, Bull Run RD, Columbia, KY

Going to the Farmer's Market on Saturday morning has always been a part of my life so I for one am delighted with the new hours for the Adair County Farmer's Market. I didn't want to miss anything so I made sure that I arrived early. At 7:45 the farmer's were adding the final touches to their booths, at 8:00 the first customers started to arrive and by 8:15 the joint was hoppin' - yes I'd say that the Saturday Farmers Market is off to a fast start.

Today I loaded up on red ripe tomatoes, Roma beans, small red potatoes and cucumbers. I'm thinking about frying up some chicken to go with my fresh veggies but I can't decide between biscuits or cornbread for this traditionally southern feast. I guess I should take my own advice "When in doubt take both".

Growing up as the granddaughter of a south Georgia farmer I've shelled a lot of peas and thumped a lot of watermelons in my life. I've been to Farmer's Markets all over the world and I have to honestly say that there have been some that I will never forget and some that are better forgotten. So what makes the experience memorable? Each market has to find its niche' - something that makes it special. Like the Atlanta, Georgia Farmer's Market has it on sheer size alone. The aisles are set up so that you can drive through with parking in the center so that you can stop to shop. They offer a commercial kitchen on site where you can can your purchases - why they even have pea shelling machines there.

Newport, Oregon is my favorite vacation market. I think that everyone in this small town goes to the Farmer's Market - customers line up at their favorite booths some as much as 30 minutes before the market opens to make their purchases.

For several unforgettable years I rode my bike to the market in Pyeongtaek, South Korea always coming home with new things to taste and new experiences.

I think that Lexington, Kentucky is my idea of a perfect Farmer's Market. When I lived there I never missed a Saturday. They have managed to capture the essence of southern living with a "Come on in, stay awhile" attitude. You can stock your kitchen with fresh vegetables, meats, cheeses and more. There are fresh flowers galore to fill your home with beauty. Personally I loved the handmade soaps and lotions made with natural products. Customers are invited to stop and sit under the trees and enjoy a fresh cup of coffee along with some sinfully rich bakery delight and enjoy the mornings entertainment. Local musicians use this time to make their voices heard. I always spent a couple hours wandering from booth to booth enjoying the early morning and I know that their marketing worked because I always spent more money than I had intended.

Our Farmer's Market has taken a step toward becoming one of the best reasons for living in Adair County - let's all support them. Instead of fast food for dinner let's make a healthier choice by shopping local.

This story was posted on 2011-07-09 10:51:42
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