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Brooks Coomer and a life lesson

- BROOKS COOMER Homecoming Reunion June 17, 2011

By Ralph Roy Waggener
Editor, It's Just for a Smile News

Brooks Coomer taught me one thing that has stayed with me for life.

After being involved in a fight once at Adair County High School, all combatants - including me - had to go to Principal Brooks Coomer for a pow-wow.

The one thing he said was anytime there is a fight or disagreement both party are at fault some, though the degree of guilt may be different amount it may be 10% on one side and 90% on the other but both parties are at fault some."At the time I was very upset about his wanting to send me home for a day for my involvement because I really did not have any part of the disagreement. A friend of mine had told the other kid (who loved to fight) that I had said I could whip him.

I just laughed when he said that because I never was a fighter. But the other kid took it seriously and war did break out.As in life, you can learn something out of every happening right or wrong, we still learn - and I think about Brooks' saying anytime Im involved in a disagreement and I find his saying a very good way to look at a problem with someone else.

I believe this has helped me understand people better. Written by Ralph Roy Waggener

This story was posted on 2011-06-16 05:23:52
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