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Church News: Columbia UMC takes part in special Lenten exercises

By Vonnie Kolbenschlag

The congregation of the Columbia United Methodist Church participated in a far reaching Lenten program that culminated Sunday, April 23.

In keeping with traditions of Lent, the congregation was given empty lunch bags and daily devotional booklets at the beginning of Lent.

Money was put in the bags during the Lenten season and returned the Sunday after Easter.

The money goes toward hunger relief ministries in the United States. An ecumenical project, The Society of St. Andrew Ministries, coordinates over 40,000 volunteers to salvage good edible food from various sources. This is food that would normally go to waste.

Children at Columbia United collected the bags which they had decorated and distributed throughout the congregation.

This story was posted on 2006-04-28 13:11:44
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Special Lenten program at Columbia United Methodist Church

2006-04-28 - Columbia - Photo George Kolbenschlag. SPECIAL LENTEN PROJECT HELPS OTHERS. The congregation of the Columbia United Methodist Church participated in a far reaching Lenten program that culminated Sunday, April 23. Youth decorated and distributed the bags, then collected them from the congregation. Columbia United Methodist Church youth in the photo, from left to right, are: Anna Harris, Joshua Grant, Andrew Melson, Trey Spinks and Susan Spinks.
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