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APRIL 2006 Birthdays: TODAY for TUESDAY, April 25, 2006 Cassie, Hunter Dale Scroll to end of text for HAPPY BIRTHDAY Photos, if any today TODAY'S HAPPY BIRTHDAYS! April 25, 206 Happy birthday to Cassie Mitchum, turning 12, from Barbara Huddleston and all your family and friends. Happy 6th Birthday to Hunter Dale Cundiff on April 25th. Love, Mommy, Daddy, and Brady. Happy 6th Birthday to Hunter Cundiff, April 25th. We love you bunches - Ricky, Sonya, Kassidy & Riley Grace. APPROACHING BIRTHDAYS April 26, 2006 Happy Birthday to my daughter-in-law, Hanne Jones. From Shirley Jones Happy 39th birthday, Mike Holmes and also happy 17th birthday, Tasha Holmes, Love you both, Dana Happy birthday to Tom Waggener, from all your family. April 27, 2006 Happy Birthday to LaVerne Jessee. I thank God for having you in my life. Thanks for all you do and know that you are loved. From her sister-in-law Jeanne Jessee Happy Birthday to Linda Smith on April 27th. Love, Paul, Amy, Hunter & Brady. April 27, 2006 Happy 60th birthday to Linda Smith on April 27th. With Love, from all of your brothers and sisters. Happy birthday to Linda Smith on April 27! From Wanda Vaughn Hicks April 28, 2006 Happy Birthday To My Aunt, Thelma Gay Bunch, Love, Joyce April 30, 2006 Happy 86th Birthday to "Grandpa" Gordon Feese on April 30th. Love, Paul, Amy, Hunter & Brady We would like to wish our Daughter-in-law Sharry Burton a very happy birthday. She is the wife of Drill Sgt. Kevin Burton. She has a 13 year old step daughter and a 4 year old adopted daughter. We love you. Floyd and Sharon I would like to wish my sister-in-law Sharry Burton a very Happy Birthday. I Love You Sharry, Julie Advertisement for E.P. Waggener & Sons, Booksellers FOR A BIRTHDAY BOOK or GIFT CERTIFICATE with free delivery for orders over $10 in Adair County, even if the order is not a gift E.P.WAGGENER & SONS, BOOKSELLERS Happy Birthday to Bailey Alissa Harris We love you very much, Daddy, Mommy and Sissy Happy Birthday, Bailey! Love you, Lucy Happy Birthday to Bailey Harris on May 1st - From Abigail Thompson! Happy birthday to Sue Hoover and her granddaughter, Jessica Bardin on her 14th birthday, from Gina May 2, 2006 Happy 1st Birthday Bethoni Promise Stinson.We love you Mom, Tosh, and Scott Happy 1st Birthday To My Neice, (Boopy) Bethoni Promise Stinson . . . love you . . . Aunt Joyce Williams Happy birthday to Katelyn Moore on her 9th birthday. Lots of Love from Mom and Dad and Sister May 3, 2006 Happy 3rd Birthday to Brady Evans Cundiff on May 3rd. Love, Mommy, Daddy, and Hunter. Happy birthday to Bobby Compton, on May the Third. From your other Sister Shirley Jones May 7, 2006 Happy birthday to Brenton Tyler Shepherd We love you very much. From Mom and Dad and all your family and friends May 8, 2006 Happy birthday to our daughter, Amanda Ullrich, who will be 17 on May 8th. From your parents, Randy and Christine Ussery May 10, 2006 Happy Birthday to Hal Willis on May 10th - From Abigail Thompson May 12, 2006 Happy Birthday to Wilma Morgan on May 12th From Ronnie Morgan and all your family and friends. Happy Birthday to my mom, Pearl George. I love you, Judy May 14, 2006 Happy birthday to Jane Hardwick, from everyone in the Bank Of Columbia loan department May 31, 2006 Happy birthday to Michael Godsey from Mom & Dad Happy birthday Downtown Shelley Brown Love, your friends. Happy Birthday, Ruby PollardWe Love You! Sally and Jimmy Happy Birthday Josh Kemp! We Love You . . . Dad and Sally Happy birthday, Daddy Love, Tyran, Anita, and Jimmy Happy 6th Birthday Mahaylie Grace Abbott!! We Love you very much! Mommy, Daddy, Aliziah Joe, Madison, Jonboy, and Garrett!! April 2, 2006 Happy 21st birthday Megan Long !!!!!! I hope you have a greatday. Always follow your dreams and your heart and you will go far.I amvery proud of the person you are. Keep smiling. I love you, Love Mom. Hey Megan! Pick one... __ Have a wonderful day! __ Happy Birthday! __ Many Happy returns! __Best Wishes for Your Special Day! Love, Buddy & Beth Happy Birthday, Megan Long!! You've brought us 21 years of joy as we've watched you grow to be a beautiful young woman with high standards, loving family values, lofty goals, a good work ethic and 35 pairs of jeans. You rock, Granddaughter! Love you, Ma Ma Happy 21st birthday, Megan!!! We are so proud of the woman you have become. Thank you for all that you have done for Joseph; he can't wait to meet you. We love you! Donna Lynn, Branden & Joseph Happy Birthday, Megan. WOW. . . the big 21st birthday! You finally made it, and you will find out it really isn't any different . .. just legal. Have a great day. . .. Love, Donna and Freddie April 3, 2006 Warm wishes for a blessed birthday to Brother Kerry Yates! We appreciate our Pastor! Love In Christ, House Upon A Rock Tabernacle Happy Birthday to Kaitlyn Grace Feese Kaitlyn had her 3rd birthday party on Saturday, April 1, 2006! She is 3 today, April 3rd. Kaitlyn is the daughter of Joey & Jame (Cape) Feese, and is the granddaughter of Janice Cape and Joe and Margaret (Turner) Feese, who are all very proud of her. Happy birthday, Kaitlyn!!! (Watch for photo) Happy Birthday to Robin Willis Hill, the youngest of seven and sent straight from Heaven! We love you, Wes, Kara, Laura and Jaime Happy Birthday to Kendall Harvey, from all your family and friends. Happy birthday, Jacob Cundiff, 4 today, from all your family and friends. Happy Birthday, Nancy Willis from Bev, Brenna, Mark, Jaime, Rose, Theresa and Robin! April 5, 2006 Happy Birthday, Dad, To Edward Kessler from Eddie, Kevin, and Timothy Happy Birthday to Edward Kessler from Linda Grandaddy, Edward Kessler, Happy Birthday!! We love you. Jeremy, Alexis, Jera, Kyla, Colin, and Keaton Happy 18th Birthday to Jordan Hayes, Love Mom and Dad Happy Birthday Tommy Nobles from Dean, Tanya and Jordan Hayes April 6, 2006 Happy Sweet 16th Birthday, Tiffany Coffey. We love you, Mom and Dad. Happy Birthday to Nancy Willis - April 6 - from the CBC Quilters. April 7, 2006 Happy birthday to Kelin Helm, 38, from all your family and friends and everyone at Stotts-Phelps-McQueary Funeral Home Happy 81st Birthday Stella Mann (Granny) Love, Tasha and Brandon April 8, 2006 Happy birthday to Blake Kennedy Aaron from Mom and Dad and all your family and friends. We love you very much Happy birthday !!!!!!!!! to Jeff Biggs Hope you have a wonderful day. Mom, Dad, Jenn and Friends Happy Birthday, Patricia Burton Love, Your Family Happy 60th birthday, Darrell Overstreet from everyone at Key Mortgage Company April 9, 2006 Happy Birthday to Bonnie Walker, from her family!!! April 10, 2006 Happy birthday to my son, Bobby Jones. From Shirley Jones April 12, 2006 Happy birthday to Billy Huddleston, turning 34, from Barbara Huddleston and all your family and friends April 13, 2006 Happy Birthday to my brother, Kevin Bault. Love, Melissa Have a Happy Birthday Maggie Lee Phelps. We love you so much. From your family. April 14, 2006 Happy 8th Birthday, Kayla Thomas. We love you, Memaw and Chuck Happy 8th birthday, Kayla Marie Thomas. We love you very much. Stephanie, Eddie & Kendall. Happy 8th Birthday Kayla Thomas. I love you and I miss you. Love, Daddy Happy 8th Birthday to Kayla Marie on April 14th! We Love You Very Much, Mom, Todd, and your sisters, Madison and Jessica! April 15, 2006 Happy birthday to our son, Brendan Ussery, who will be 3 on April 15th. From your parents, Randy and Christine Ussery. April 16, 2006 Happy birthday to James L. Montgomery on his 85th Birthday! from his family Happy birthday to George Conover Overstreet who turns 11 on the 16th of April from his dad, Donald Keith Overstreet. George Overstreet currently lives in Schertz, TX with mother Michelle L. Kmiec. He is the grandson of Joyce M. Coomer and Donald M. Overstreet. April 17, 2006 Happy 25th birthday, Tony George, from Joyce Williams. April 18, 2006 Happy birthday to Cheryl Mitchum, turning 33, from Barbara Huddleston and all your family and friends Happy birthday to Brenda Bardin and Alexis Spires, from everyone at Bank Of Columbia Happy 91st Brithday, Pa Herman Jessee You are the greatest. We Love you, Pa, from Moriah and Jordan Young and all the family. Happy Birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! April 19, 2006 Have a Happy 25th birthday, Chaisty Lynn Janes We love you Moma from Cabel and Dad and all the family Happy birthday to LaTashua Moore on her 17th birthday. Lots of Love from Mom and Dad and Sister April 20, 2006 Happy 81st Birthday, Ralph Akin, from all your family and friends. April 21, 20006 Happy Birthday to our wonderful, Mom, Inez Roden April 21st, she will be 84 years young. Her motto is You're just as young as you think, and I always think young. At 84 she is still very active, drives her car, grocery shops, and sometimes is found with her spade or hoe, digging up a flower garden. You're looking great, Mom! Happy birthday! From your children and grandchildren, Alice, Patty, and Ralph; Tim, Patti Ann, Todd, Eddie; TJ, Hannah, Logan, Colton, Christian; Elizabeth; and the special kids, Fred, Troy, Marteneque, Nichole, Derek, (a special grandchild), and all your family, including beloved inlaws: Everett, Allen, Jobe, Betty, Lynne, Sas, Lisa, and Nick. So to make this birthday even more special for her, we wanted to announce to all of Columbia that her Grandson Eddie, his wife Lynne and their children, Derek, Logan, Marteneque CoCo and Christian LOVE HER with all their Hearts. HAPPY BIRTHDAY Old GRANNY and Many Many More! Lynne Darnell Ed & Lynne Darnell Happy Birthday to Julie McQueary from Family and Friends. April 22, 2006 Happy birthday, Anthony Reliford and best wishes on your approaching wedding, from everyone at Flatwoods Grocery. April 23, 2006 Would like to wish Cody Gadberry a Happy 11th birthday with lots of love from your mother. Happy birthday, Fred Sexton from all your friends at the Flatwoods Grocery! Happy Birthday, Shane Pollard. We love you . . . Sally and Jimmy Happy 8th Birthday to Abigail Thompson on April 23. Love from all your family! APRIL 2006 BIRTHDAYS TODAY April 24, 2006 Happy Birthday to my nephew, Kev (Bault). Love, Aunt Mimi Send Birthday Wishes in comments, if open, or via Submit a Story; Or email: ed@columbiamagazine.com If a birthday announcement you sent fails to appear, call us at 270-384-0612 or email to ed@columbiamagazine.com This story was posted on 2006-04-25 09:45:18
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BoC Salad Luncheon Tues., April 25, 2006 benefits Relay for Life Tara Elizabeth Connor, Miss USA, guest on ABC morning show APRIL 2006 Birthdays: TODAY for MONDAY, April 24, 2006 Happy Anniversaries: APRIL 2006 Smith - Reliford vows exchanged Saturday, April 22, 2006 at Trinity UMC LCDR Giles writes from war zone, happy about Little League funding APRIL 2006 Birthdays: TODAY for SUNDAY, April 23, 2006 REV. JOEY N. WELSH: April 23, 2006. To read or not to read BoC Salad Luncheon Tues., April 25, 2006 benefits Relay for Life Col. Wm. Casey Elementary choir 'ENCORE' in concert here and on the road View even more articles in topic News |
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