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CU to host Baptist Heritage Lecture Series Monday, April 10

"...The essence of the Christian faith is spiritual, personal and voluntary and the scriptures are uniquely inspired, authoritative, and the source and guide for doctrine and practice..." - Dr. Morgan Patterson
By Joan C. McKinney, director of university communications
Campbellsville University

CAMPBELLSVILLE, Ky. -- Campbellsville University will host the second Baptist Heritage Lecture Series, featuring Dr. Morgan Patterson, renowned Baptist educator and scholar-in-residence at CU, Monday, April 10. Patterson will speak on Baptist distinctives at the event at 7 p.m. in the Little Auditorium of the Student Union Building. The event is free and open to the public.

He said salvation is provided by the God and is available to everyone through repentance and faith. Other Baptist distinctives that he will discuss are, according to Patterson, that the scriptures are uniquely inspired, authoritative and the source and guide for doctrine and practice, the church is composed of committed believers, types of church policy, the separation of church and state guarantees liberty of conscience for every citizen and many more.

The mission of Campbellsville Universitys Baptist Heritage Lecture Series is to promote the study, discussion, and research of Baptist historical events, theological distinctive, traditions and leaders that are unique and essential to understanding who Baptists are.

Dr. Patterson is a prolific, and the best, speaker we could have secured to talk about Baptist history, said John Chowning, vice president for church and external relations and executive assistant to the president at Campbellsville University.

Patterson served as president of Georgetown College from 1984 to 1991. Since leaving Georgetown, Patterson has taught at four Baptist colleges and universities and three seminaries.

It is a distinct honor to have Dr. Patterson on our campus as speaker for the Baptist Heritage Lecture Series as well as CUs scholar-in-residence. His knowledge of Baptist history is second to none, Chowning said. During the first lecture series, Patterson spoke on Baptists in Kentucky; the role of The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, Baptist beginnings in Kentucky, Baptist diversity in Kentucky and the Baptist World Alliance.

He also discussed Kentucky revivals, Kentucky preachers including John Taylor, Mordecai Ham and others, and the Lincoln and Truman families in Kentucky.Patterson is a native of New Orleans and graduated from Stetson University. His master and doctor of theology degrees are from the New Orleans Baptist Seminary.Patterson taught church history at the New Orleans Seminary from 1956 until 1959 and taught at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville from 1959 until 1976. He served as academic dean at Golden Gate Seminary from 1976 until 1984.

Chowning said Campbellsville Universitys Baptist Heritage Lecture Series was established to promote contemporary study of the 400 years of Baptist history and to help 21st century Baptists and others to understand the tradition of Baptists being a free people in a free state.

The Baptist Heritage Lecture Series will explore changing patterns in Baptist life, with emphasis given to the Southern Baptist Convention, Baptist World Alliance and the Kentucky Baptist Convention.

Chowning said the series was also established to promote reconciliation among Baptists across lines of race, ethnicity and language and to help highlight the unique contributions of African-American Baptists.

For more information about the series, contact Chowning at (270) 789-5520 or

Campbellsville University, founded in 1906, is a private, comprehensive institution located in South Central Kentucky. Affiliated with the Kentucky Baptist Convention, Campbellsville has an enrollment of 2,197 students who represent 100 Kentucky counties, 32 states and 28 foreign nations. Listed in U.S. News & World Reports Americas Best Colleges 13 consecutive years as one of the leading Southern masters colleges and universities, Campbellsville University is located 82 miles southwest of Lexington, Ky., and 80 miles southeast of Louisville, Ky. Dr. Michael V. Carter is in his seventh year as president.

This story was posted on 2006-04-05 12:37:39
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