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Meet the Gold twins, Jonathan and Michael, ages eighteen-months We celebrate all news of children arriving to Adair County parents, and when they arrive two at a time, that's even more special. We asked for an update on the Gold twins and their Mom Harriet said she loves to talk about her boys. She writes: Jonathan Neal Gold was born August 14, 2004 at7:40 a.m. weighing6 pounds 2 1/4 ounces, and Michael Mark Gold was born August 14, 2004 at7:41 a.m. weighing 4 pounds 12 3/4 ounces, to parents Harriet and Neal Gold. They are the grandchildren of Gladys and the late Harry McQuaide (whose birthday is August 14 like his grandsons), and of the late Irving and Rena Gold. Although Michael weighed 4 1/2 pounds when we brought him home, his weight is now above average at 27 pounds 1 ounce. Jonathan's weight is 24 pounds 10 ounces, he's in the 30th percentile. Obviously, the boys are not identical twins. Jonathan has dark hair and brown eyes; Michael has blonde hair and blue eyes. Jonathan's hair was an inch long when he was born (he almost needed a haircut then). The opposite was true with Michael -- his first haircut was at 16 months. And their personalities are just as different as their looks. They are both wonderful little boys and are growing up much too quickly! We visited the Babies 'R Us store and realized that our boys have outgrown that store already -- they aren't babies anymore. Both the boys love Elmo and Mr. Rogers. Jonathan really loves to look at books and have someone read to him. Michael's favorite thing to do is wear other peoples' shoes -- especially his daddy's boots. They both enjoy playing outside with 'Nanny' Patricia Carter, and bath time (playing in water anywhere -- in the toilet, mud puddle, etc.) and playing with their cousins Sarah and Lauren McQuaide. Jonathan and Michael went on their first airplane ride when they were 11 months old. They flew to Boston, Massachusetts to visit their cousins, Martin and Anne, Jeff, Lesley, Leah and Jenna. Their first visit to the beach was on Cape Cod. When we first brought them home, we accepted all the help we could get! One of us was up all night for the first three months or so. Their Aunt Bertha Goodin would come every morning to help out, and Grandma would come in the afternoons. We don't know if we could have survived without them and others who stopped in to help babysit or prepare meals. Those were busy days and nights, but we have enjoyed every second with our babies. It has been the most magical experience of my life! Harriet can be reached for more updates on the boys at work where she is Director of Information Services at Lindsey Wilson College: goldh@lindsey.edu ColumbiaMagazine.com welcomes news of family celebrations -- just click on and type a note into the "submit-a-story" link in the site menu box at the top left of the home page. Include your e-mail address and phone number so we can contact you with any questions or ask about photos. This story was posted on 2006-03-19 19:11:33
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