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New program to reward school districts using KY food products

From Madison Pergrem

Frankfort, KY - Kentucky schools using locally grown produce and proteins will soon be eligible for monetary awards through a new program from the Kentucky Department of Agriculture (KDA).

The Kentucky Farm to School Stars Recognition Program will annually recognize three school districts that have demonstrated a commitment to increase purchases directly from Kentucky farmers.

"Increasing purchases of Kentucky foods directly impacts Kentucky farm families," Agriculture Commissioner Jonathan Shell said. "In addition, the local purchases positively impact schools by growing the availability of nutritious and fresh food to our school-aged children. It really is a win for everyone."

The program will recognize districts purchasing the highest percentage of locally grown products. Impacts will be measured by monitoring the districts' purchases of locally produced proteins and produce for an entire school year.

Eligible districts must participate in the National School Lunch Program. Only Kentucky grown or raised products used during breakfast and lunch during the regular school year are eligible, excluding milk.

Applications completed by school districts will be reviewed by a panel of KDA staff to select the top three districts. Winners for the 2024-2025 school year will be announced during October, which is National Farm to School Month. Incentive levels will be $10,000, $8,000, and $6,000 for first, second, and third place. The awards will be spent on local food purchases for the 2025-26 school year.

KDA will use Ag Tag funds to award the winning school districts. Ag Tag funds come from the voluntary donations Kentuckians pay each year when renewing their farm license plate. The donations are divided equally among Kentucky 4-H, Kentucky FFA, and KDA. Last year, donations reached a record high of $931,201.80.

"Each year, KDA makes a promise to reinvest its share of the funds into our agriculture community," Commissioner Shell said. "This year we are keeping that promise by investing into our youngest generation - our children."

More information about the Stars Recognition Program and the application process will be available on KDA's website soon. The application deadline is July 31, 2025.

This story was posted on 2025-01-31 10:36:34
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