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Genealogical Society Christmas Social & Show-and-Tell

From Mike Watson

Adair County Genealogical Society members and friends, take note: The annual Christmas Social will be held on the regular meeting day--first Monday in the month, this year at 5pmCT on Monday, December 2, 2024, continuing until we take our leave. We will hold with our tradition of serving pot-luck. We hope to have soups, snacks, appetizers, and desserts.

Come celebrate the Season, the coming of Winter and the continuation of our obsession with ancestors, historic events, and all things that combine to make us who we are. As in the past, we will have a Show-and-Tell program. Each person is encouraged to bring one item to exhibit and talk about. It may be a family heirloom of any sort, or any artifact or item that they wish to show. Old or new, all things are significant to each.

The Adair County Genealogical Society meeting will be held at the Adair Genealogy & History Research Center, 307 Greensburg Street, Columbia, KY. For more information, email or call 270-380-1024.

This story was posted on 2024-11-19 14:03:59
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Adair Co. Courthouse by Pat Bell

2024-11-19 - Columbia, KY - Photo by Pat Bell, courtesy Mike Watson.
The Historic Adair County Courthouse by Pat Bell, circa 2005, is sure to conjure a Christmas feeling. The annual Adair County Genealogical Society Christmas Social will be held on the regular meeting day--first Monday in the month, this year at 5pmCT on Monday, December 2, 2024.

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Genealogical Society Christmas Show and Tell on Monday

2024-12-02 - Columbia, KY - Photo courtesy Mike Watson.
The Adair County Genealogical Society will meet Monday, December 2, 2024 in usual fashion at 5pmCT at the Adair Genealogy and History Research Center, 307 Greensburg Street, Columbia, KY.

This is our annual Christmas Social and Show & Tell program where anyone may bring an artifact or item to show and tell the group about its historical significance. Everyone is invited to attend and be part of the event. Refreshments will be served and good fellowship is always extended.

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