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Open Enrollment for health care coverage Nov 1-Jan 15

The kynect QHP open enrollment period runs from November 1, 2024, to January 15, 2025. Consumers who enroll by midnight on December 15, 2024, can get full-year coverage that starts January 1, 2025. Consumers who enroll after December 15, 2024, but before the deadline in January, will have coverage that starts February 1, 2025.

Insurance agents and kynectors are located in every Kentucky county and provide outreach and enrollment assistance. Individuals interested in enrolling in a QHP are encouraged to visit and click the "Get Local Help" feature to be connected for further assistance. Individuals can also call 855-4kynect (855-459-6328).

The open enrollment period consists of Qualified Health Plans (QHPs). This option is primarily for Kentuckians who don't have coverage through another source, such as through an employer, Medicaid, the Kentucky Children's Health Insurance Program (KCHIP), Medicare or TRICARE.

The kynect portal has been enhanced by making the application flow more streamlined, and it is easier for Kentuckians to see their potential eligibility for levels of financial assistance. More issuers are offering plans with specific benefits such as heart health or diabetes, and more plans compatible with Health Savings Plans are available for 2025. Also, for 2025, a new dental carrier has been added. Open enrollment is the time for Kentuckians to check and make sure they are enrolled in the plan that best suits their family's needs.

There is no longer an Open Enrollment period for calendar year 2024 to submit Managed Care Organization (MCO) changes. MCO changes can be done at any time from now until December 21st, 2024. Please note this change is not applicable for Supporting Kentucky Youth (SKY) members.

Anthem will no longer be a Kentucky Medicaid Managed Care Organization (MCO) starting 1/1/2025. Members with Anthem will be automatically reassigned to another MCO. A notice of reassignment will be mailed on 11/12/2025. You may change your MCO at any time.

This story was posted on 2024-11-04 09:01:12
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