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Wreck a result of wrong GPS and a huge storm

Officer Adam Cravens expected his assignment as the Columbia Police Department representative observing entrants into the Adair County Fair Thursday evening would be a quiet one. However, his shift took a very different turn when wrong directions on a GPS, driving rain and high winds would change everything.

Just before 6pm a major storm hit Columbia, bringing blowing wind and rain, making it hard to see a big rig approaching from Hwy 55 South into the Industrial Park area where the AC Fair is now located.

It looked like some of the trucks that brought carnival rides in for the Fair, but it was not. The driver was hauling a crane. He dipped off the roadway and lost control of the truck. The crane flipped to its side into the ditch line.

Thankfully the operator was able to climb out of the big rig on his own and was unharmed. Officer Cravens, after making sure he was alright, said he asked if he was headed into the Fairgrounds and learned that he was trying to go to western KY - his GPS had had directed him into the Industrial Park and into the path of the big storm.

The driver's was one of two trucks bound for Hopkinsville, KY so he was able to catch a ride with the second one and get home. The huge rig will remain on the side of Industrial Park Road until tomorrow, however, it doesn't hinder folks getting to the AC Fair where the carnival continues Friday and Saturday.

This story was posted on 2024-08-01 23:53:42
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Truck flipped onto side in heavy rain, wind storm

2024-08-01 - Columbia, KY - Photo by Linda Waggener,
A huge storm made it hard to for this rig driver with wrong directions from GPS directing it from Hwy 55 South into the Industrial Park area where the AC Fair is now located. The driver, hauling a crane, dropped off the pavement and lost control of the truck.

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Crane driver able to climb out of wreck

2024-08-01 - Columbia, KY - Photo by Linda Waggener,
The driver hauling the crane was able to climb out of the truck, flipped onto its side in the storm and on the wrong road. His was one of two trucks bound for Hopkinsville, KY so he was able to catch a ride with the second one and get home. The huge rig will remain on the side of Industrial Park Road until tomorrow, however, it doesn't hinder folks getting to the AC Fair where the carnival continues Friday and Saturday.

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