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Congratulations to ACES student Emmett Davenport

The Center for Gifted Studies at Western Kentucky University hosts a program called Super Saturdays encouraging students in grades 1 - 6 who have high interest in a topic they'd like to pursue outside the regular classroom.

Adair County Elementary School fifth grader Emmett Davenport participated in a creative writing course which focused on developing an original scary story. The result of his special study is “The Georgia Man” - a story which his parents Todd and Cayce say, "we expect to be a best seller one day! Emmett had a blast and has begged to sign up for their Winter courses."

In the Super Saturdays workshop he learned about character development, plot design, themes, and other literary elements in order to create a story derived from personal experience.

Through a minds-on, hands-on approach to learning, students like Emmett can explore and investigate such areas as math, art, science, history, writing, music, and performance.

WKU's Super Saturdays program says it opens new doors of learning at an age when it is absolutely critical to inspire the minds of gifted learners. Students who want to know about the opportunity can ask Emmett all about it.

This story was posted on 2023-10-31 11:50:31
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The Georgia Man starts in 5th grade, on its way to fame

2023-10-31 - Bowling Green, KY - Photo by proud Mom Cayce Davenport.
Emmett Davenport holds his finished draft of the story he wrote, “The Georgia Man,” through the WKU Super Saturdays workshop. It was a creative writing course which focused on developing an original scary story. He learned about character development, plot design, themes, and other literary elements in order to create a story derived from personal experience. For students who want to know about the opportunity, just ask Emmett. His family says he had a blast and wants to sign up for their winter courses.

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