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LETTER: Cyrus finds interesting parallels in 1949 newspaper

Does anybody remember "The Cooties"?
By CyrusCentral Ohio Bureau Chief
I can't help but wonder if the brief entry below, found on page one of the November 2, 1949, edition of the New, was actually a high profile Varmintology report that got bumped by a silly front page nonsense about a bond referendum to raise money to build a hospital in Adair County.

The Cooties will meet at 2:00 o'clock Sunday at the V.F. W. Hall. This is special meeting and all are asked to attend.
The election news in the November 19, 1949 issue, it was reported that the hospital bond issue passed 3,897 to 724, or 84.3% in favor, 15.7% opposed.

But the grab paragraph was in the Sheriff's race, in which George C. "Landslide" Simpson (R) soundly thrashed C D. Martin (D) by a 58 vote margin, 2,858 to 2,815, or 50.38% to 49.62%. A mandate, if ever there were one!

Note to, that there were 1,052 more votes cast in the Sheriff's race than in the bond referendum.

It was in this election that Billy K. Neat, founder of the Hoop Snake and Saucer Sighting Society and of B.N.U.V., Cane Valley, started his advanced degree work in Varmintology by virtue of his unopposed victory for Tax Commissioner.

Central Ohio Bureau Chief

This story was posted on 2005-12-22 11:44:16
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