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CYRUS: Joppa newsletter, February 5, 1941

Ich bein ein what?

Newsletters from Joppa appeared sporadically in the Adair County News in the early '40s. Perhaps current, former, and want-to-be Joppans will enjoy this one from the February 5, 1941 News.

Most everyone in the community has been sick. Mr. and Mrs. Kent Montgomery, Mr. George Powell and Chrystine are still confined to his home from having teeth extracted.

Mrs. W.M. Banks is improving from a several weeks illness.

Mrs. Nancy Rowe, of Columbia, is with her daughter, Mrs. R.M. Cabbell, for a few days.

Mr. and Mrs. Paul Young, of Columbia, are spending this week with Mr. A.O. Young.

Miss Rachel Green spent the weekend with her parents in Milltown.

Mrs. Joe Montgomery and Joyce, spent part of last week with Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Tuell, at Coburg.

Miss Doris Rowe was the guest of Miss Irene Flatt over the weekend.

Rev. V.L. Krutchwitz was Sunday dinner guest of Mrs. Annie Powell and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hancock.

Mr. Lambert Sanders, of Coburg, spent Saturday with his sisters, Mrs. Patra Hamon and Mrs. Effie Sanders.

Mr. Holland Young, of Louisville, spent the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.R. Young.

Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Holt moved last week to the Jack Dudley farm.

Mr. N.R. Jones left Saturday for his home in Marblemont, Wash.

Mrs. Leslie McFarland still remains in very serious condition from pneumonia. Her daughter, Miss Imogene, is slowly improving from a serious head condition.
Central Ohio Bureau Chief
Click here to read related story on Joppa
Finally, the answer to question which has been perplexing the rest of us, not just William L. Willis Esq.: They are called "Joppans." Can't wait to tell Cosby Cundiff what he is. - ED

This story was posted on 2005-12-05 23:16:08
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