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Looking Back for 4 May, 2023: One hundred years ago

By Mike Watson

One hundred Years Ago, 1923--from the pages of the Adair County News, 1 and 8 May 1923:

Columbia High School Commencement Program--Baccalaureate Sermon, Sunday morning, May 6, 1923 at Christian Church at 10:30. The sermon will be given by Eld J.I. Wheeler, pastor of the Christian Church.

Class Night, a play, "All a Mistake," presented by the members of the Senior Class at Tutt Hall, Tuesday, May 8, 8:00 pm.

Commencement Service, Thursday evening, May 10, 8:00 o'clock pa, at Christian Church. The address will be given by C.E. McDougal, Ph.D., of Richmond, Kentucky.

To all of these programs the public is cordially invited to attend.

Columbia Lodge, No. 96, Free and Accepted Masons, and Columbia Chapter, No. 7, now have one of the nicest and best fitted halls in the State.

The hall is new and takes up all the floor room in the third story of the Jeffries building. New furniture has been installed, and last week a new cork carpet was put down, making it one of the most inviting halls in Kentucky. The Masons of this lodge now have ample room in which to work. The members of sister lodges are invited to our meetings, our team promising to show them good and true work.

Professor C.H. Richardson, head of the department of mathematics at the Georgetown College, has been given a fellowship at the University of Michigan. He will attend there next year to continue work toward his doctor's degree. Mr. Guy Stevenson, who graduated at the Georgetown College in 1921, will take charge of the department during the absence of Prof. Richardson. Mr. Stevenson has been assistant in the mathematics department of the University of Illinois for the last two years. He will receive his master's degree from that institution this year.

The Mighty Haag Shows will be in Columbia Thursday, May 17.

Mr. Ed Wilson is moving along nicely with his buildings in the Tutt addition. That part of Columbia is rapidly being dotted with good homes.

Mr. Wood Judd is making preparations to erect a dwelling for Mr. C.L. Skaggs in the Loy addition.

Excavating for the new addition to the First National Bank was commenced last week. The First National Bank purchased its lock door and equipments for the new vault last Wednesday. It was purchased from the Mosler Company. There were representatives here from two companies.

Our people will be glad to learn that Dr. J.N. Page and family, who have been living in Louisville for several months, will return to this place to live in a very short time. Some of their household goods have arrived. This is scarcely a day but some friend asks, "When did you hear from Dr. Page. I miss him from Columbia."

Dewey Hurt, about 22 years old, son of Lewis Hurt, who lives in Metcalfe County, just over the Adair line, died in Illinois the first of last week. His remains were shipped to his former home, and they were expected last Wednesday. He was a victim of pneumonia.

Born to the wife of J.L. McLean, April 30, a fine son.

Born to the wife of Otis Stults, April 30, a fine son.

On May 9th I will begin delivering ice to every house in the city limits, who want it, at 1 \0xBC cents per pound. J.C. Marshall.

Lennis Janes had on exhibition last Monday morning a cat fish that weighed 55 pounds. He caught him on a trot line the night before.

For Sale: 30 acres of land on Jamestown pike, at a bargain. Two miles from Courthouse. Also, a Maxwell Auth. Price, $80. S.F. Eubank.

Mr. Albin Murray and Mr. George O. Barnes have purchased the Columbia Bakers and will continue the business at the same place. The bakery will be cut off from Wilson's store by a partition. Mr. Barnes is an experienced baker.

This story was posted on 2023-05-04 08:37:15
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