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Poetry: I will try to stop myself

By Robert Stone, 25 February 2023
A word-list poem for Poetry in the Boro
I wrestle when my words misunderstood
bring condemnation in bright scarlet sneer,
those who reply appear to have one goal,
all those with other viewpoints to besmear.

Investigate, explore, decipher hide
the truth because they only seek to find,
the slogans that support their mocking side
that rearranges all to be unkind.

Give me a cat and good champagne to drink
and I will try to stop myself when thrice
I have engaged with those who little think
and never argue logic lines precise.

No respite waits for those who read too much
when dogged by those who claim the common touch.

These are the words Poetry in the Boro, Murfreesboro, Tennessee, put out for tomorrow's meeting: investigate | champagne | scarlet | explore | respite | cat | thrice | decipher | wrestle | goal

This story was posted on 2023-02-26 12:53:58
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Archer the cat and Christopher

2023-02-26 - Austin, TX - Photo from Robert Stone.
Robert writes, "Archer the cat who keeps an eye on Christopher, Austin, Texas, a photograph from 11 November 2022. We had a few cats when I was young but they were outdoor cats."

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