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Phillip Coffey - Patience

Patience - By Phillip Coffey

Life seems but a farce as I whittle away a mounted heap
Of notions from my worried mind - without the theatrics.

Patience sure takes its good time to dispel all the fears,
Of carrying on with a heavy load of the foggiest of ideas - sometimes.
It does what it does with only the highest regard for honor,
Duty, kindness, peace, faith and love leading the charge.
Maybe a few others now seen in the haze of tarnished hindsight.

Patience never rushes in with respect for those
harbored with pain And unruly infections.
Doesn't tarry long with others with only foolishness of
Insignificant, petty matters.

A wry smile slyly revealed - never laughing, heartedly.
Patience takes it all in stride with time not being much Of an indicator.

Settles it all - gently, arm in arm with 'charity for all' Being the dominant factor.

This story was posted on 2023-02-24 22:22:32
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