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Inspire Adair County's Future Leaders

Ag Tag $10 Donation Benefits 4-H/FFA

By Tony Rose, Agent for 4-H Youth Development
Adair County Extension Service

In 2022, Adair County raised $925.00 through the Ag Tag Voluntary Donation program for the Adair County 4-H and FFA programs. That's money that goes directly to Kentucky 4-H, Kentucky FFA, and Kentucky Proud to support our agriculture community (and its future) here locally and across the Commonwealth.

Agriculture is vital to the livelihood of every Kentuckian and it is through programs like Kentucky 4-H and Kentucky FFA that we continue to instill these values in youth. Each simple $10 donation made when renewing an Ag Tag culminates to have a major impact on the youth of Adair County.

Kentucky 4-H and FFA are two of the most important and influential youth programs in our state and our county. Across Kentucky, over 290,000 youth ages 9 to 19 learn about leadership, citizenship, and life skills in "learn-by-doing" experiences such as communications and public speaking, through agriculture projects like livestock judging, science projects with robotics, 4-H camp, Teen Conference, and many other 4-H programs and activities.

Here in Adair County, there is over 1200 youth who participate in 4-H and are active in programs and activities such as Country Ham Project, Leadership programs, Camping Programs, Afterschool program, Livestock, Natural Resources, Cloverbuds just to name a few. Adair County FFA has over 250 members in the Middle and High school programs. Monies for the Ag Tag program go to support the FFA Junior and Senior Officers, Leadership programs, travel expenses, and support purchase of FFA jackets.

As we look to March for 2023 Ag Tag renewals, we ask that you remember to make your voluntary donations on each farm license plate you renew. If every Adair Countian renewing an Ag Tag were to make the voluntary $10 donation, $8,000 could be raised! Think of the impact that could have on your community and its future leaders!

Please help us in growing leaders, strengthening the agriculture community, and funding opportunities for Adair County youth this March through Ag Tag voluntary donations!

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This story was posted on 2023-02-01 08:54:02
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