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Carol Perkins: Falling Out

Previous Column: Away They Go

By Carol Perkins

A falling out. Families have them; friends do, too. Family falling outs are usually over money, caring for aging parents, or estates. Friends are usually about other friends and gossip. I can understand problems occurring in those situations, but what I can't understand is having a "falling out" over political opinions and politicians.

Some good people we know have allowed people they don't know, will never know and who will never visit them in the hospital, send a card, call to ask about family, or know their grandma's name to cause a rift in relationships. These propaganda pushers (on both sides) have caused an end to friendly debates.

I was talking about this with a relative who lives in Louisville. He recounted a recent conversation with a lifelong friend.

They had bantered over politics for years, he said, but it reached the level of no return when he looked at my cousin, who is not a Trump or Biden man, but his dad was a staunch Democrat. The friend said, "I don't know how a Democrat can call himself a Christian." That ended their lifelong bond.

I avoid discussing politics with those whose views differ, but I slipped up recently and made a friendly remark on Facebook about a local representative, causing oppositional heads to rear. You would have thought I had praised Hitler. If people disagree with comments, move on. Most of us don't set out to cause friction. Lashing out does no one any good.

This holiday season is the time for those ready to "tear into others" to relax. Refrain from arguments around the ham on the Christmas dinner table. Don't upset the children with your grandstanding over politicians who don't give two hoots about you! Don't push buttons, make snide remarks, or turn your back on your brother because he disagrees with you. Give your children the gift of peace and happiness when Daddy isn't mad at Uncle George over Trump or Biden. No politician is worth the loss.

You can contact Carol at

This story was posted on 2022-12-01 06:49:01
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