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Kentucky Color: Fall Heritage Festival

By Billy Joe Fudge

I dare say that almost daily I hear comments that to some extent lament the demise of our rural culture. Or they are complaining that there seem to be no wholesome activities to which they can take their young children or grandchildren.

Well folks, at Homeplace on Green River tomorrow you have the opportunity to expose your young'uns to that place in time that brought so much joy to you while you were growing up. Load up the kids, grandkids or if you don't have anyone to bring, just come on out to Homeplace and be a kid again for a few hours. See you tomorrow!

Homeplace on Green River will hold their annual Fall Heritage Festival on Saturday, September 10, 2022, from 8amCT to 4pmCT, and admission is $20 per vehicle. There will be original arts and crafts, great food, pony rides, historical demonstrations, kids activities, a corn maze, an antique tractor and truck show, live music and more.

Homeplace on Green River is located at 5807 New Columbia Road, Campbellsville, KY.

This story was posted on 2022-09-09 09:26:31
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