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Fiscal Court votes to move several projects forward Big moves made at Monday night meeting include Fiscal Court to support EDA, to purchase the Transfer Station property, historic Adair County Courthouse wings will be removed in the next step of restoration, and the Recycling Center will be reopened... By Gale B. Cowan, Adair County Judge Executive The Adair County Fiscal Court met in regular session on Monday, August 8, 2022. This was a very productive meeting that will benefit the citizens of Adair County in many ways for a long time. The Old Glensfork Road Bridge project had final approval tonight to remove the existing structure and build a new bridge. We have been allotted $200,000 from the State of Kentucky Emergency Funds to go towards this project. The Fiscal Court approved tonight to move forward on the removal of the additions (or wings) of the old historic courthouse. Central Kentucky Design, Inc. out of Berea Kentucky will be overseeing this project. The Fiscal Court also approved tonight the purchasing of the property and the Transfer Station located on L. Willis Road. We have looked at many options such as relocating and building a new transfer station, but feel this is the best option for everyone. The property will have to be surveyed and hopefully this will be complete in the next couple months. But we are happy to say that the transfer station will be staying at the current location. The Adair County EDA Board came to the court tonight requesting $150,000 to go towards a grant match and that request was granted. The Columbia-Adair County Economic Development Board will be applying for a Kentucky Product Development Initiative Grant in the amount of $459,441. This is the maximum amount allotted for Adair County. This grant is a 50/50 match grant and if the full amount is awarded, the Fiscal Court will be putting forth $150,00 to help match the grant. The EDA Board will be asking the City of Columbia for $150,000 and the EDA board will put forth $150,000 to make up the match amount. I want to commend our EDA board for the accomplishments they have made over the past 3-4 years at our Green River Commerce Park. The park sat stagnant for many years and we are finally seeing improvements made. Along with those improvements, we are getting lots of interest in our Industrial Park and hopefully we will be able to make announcements of business coming to Adair County in very near future. The final thing addressed tonight is that we are happy to announce the re-opening of the Recycling Center in the very near future. We have to get some employees hired and trained and get a few other things done first, but the recycling center will be opening soon. This story was posted on 2022-08-09 08:25:21
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