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Let it Rain or Make it Rain

By Mike Watson

Despite the recent rains, we are still well behind and need this life-giving resource to produce an ever increasing supply of food for humans and livestock alike.

Here is an old, old story of a dry time in Kentucky in or about 1831:
An Old Rainmaker
J.M. Smith, of Seward, O.T. [Oklahoma Territory], who is nearly ninety years old, states that he remembers well a Samuel Brent, of Columbia, Ky., who, sixty years ago conceived the idea of causing rainfall by using explosives, and for that purpose erected a high tower from which he exploded large quantities of powder. So successful was he that he obtained a large following and created a great sensation throughout Kentucky and bordering states. His experiments were not financially successful, however, and after expending large means, his efforts fell into innocuous desuetude and were forgotten by a fickle public.

Before the age of balloons and dynamite he appears to have caused rain to fall by the same means sought by Melbourne and others. Then why should he not be accorded the credit of discovery, instead of these modern 'rain kings,' who simply follow in his footsteps, causing rain by atmospheric disturbances, but using later discovered means instead of powder in accomplishing the same subject?

The Fort Worth Gazette, Fort Worth, TX, 29 November 1891, Sunday, p1--Special to the Gazette--Guthrie, O.T., Nov 28.

This story was posted on 2022-07-07 11:00:54
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