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ACHS receives Statewide Reserve technology grant

By Fara Popplewell-Miniard

Adair County High School has received $147,089.00 in Kentucky Statewide Reserve Funds for the purchase of equipment for the on-campus Technical School. The requested equipment is a CI BX Press Brake currently only found at profession companies.

The submitting party was the Cumberlands Workforce Development Board (CWDB) led by Myra Wilson, Director of Workforce Development. The development board's mission is to invest in the local economy by developing opportunities for employers to access a skilled workforce, and for workers to access training and quality jobs. The partnership between the Education and Workforce systems has and will continue to create a successful path to address the educational needs of the county and surrounding areas.

Statewide Reserve Funding was created in support and continuation of previous initiatives, identified needs, and plans and directives outlined by the Kentucky Workforce Innovation Board. The Department of Workforce Investment welcomes local workforce areas to apply for funds to help support local and regional needs and priorities, particularly in Youth and Innovation projects.

There has been a steady regional and state demand for skilled, technical positions which the Adair County Technical School has strived to meet since inception. This project is yet another step to further the capabilities of the program and the future of a skilled workforce. The equipment acquisition will allow students to have training and experience on a press brake not offered at any other educational center in the local area. The graduating students will be marketable to companies statewide and further; making them ready to enter the workforce as certified welders. Likewise, regional companies gain access to more knowledgeable employees at an entry-level.

Adair County High School is looking forward to the opportunity and partnerships this funding has created, and will continue to create a space for students to grow and become college and/or career ready.

This story was posted on 2022-05-18 09:07:47
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Grant received to help ACHS Welding Department

2022-05-18 - Columbia, KY - Photo from ACJE Gale Cowan.
Adair County Judge Executive Gale Cowan announced that the Welding Department at Adair County High School is awarded a $147,089 grant for a vital piece of equipment in the welding shop this week. From left in the ACHS welding shop are: Lucas Murphy, Ernie Harper, Alex Loy, Teacher Barney Taylor, Jase Matney, Andrew Loy and Jarett Janes.

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Leaders at announcement of new grant

2022-05-18 - Columbia, KY - Photo from the office of Adair County Judge Executive Gale Cowan.
The ACHS Welding Department was awarded a $147,089 grant for a new piece of equipment. From left are: Myra Wilson, LCADD; Adair School Superintendent Dr. Pamela Stephens; ACHS Principal Chad Parnell; ACHS Welding Instructor Barney Taylor; Sarah Roy, Lake Cumberland Workforce and Technology Center Principal; and Adair County Judge Executive Gale Cowan.

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