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Carol Perkins: The Slap

Previous Column: The Red Cabinet

By Carol Perkins

Will Smith and the slap have gained more attention this week than the price of gas or a box of crackers. I always watch the Oscars because I am a movie buff and am impressed with the glamorous gowns. However, over the years my interest had lessened. It has been a boring night in the last few years.

Until this year.

I saw the slap and like most, thought it was staged until the vulgar language erupted from Will's mouth like a volcano. If the slap had been staged, I doubted the language would have followed because of the nature of the "family show."

Smith rose from his seat, after his wife rolled her eyes at Chris Rock's joke, then strutted like a peacock to the stage. Then he slapped Chris Rock and strutted back to his seat. I have seen a few fights before among male students, but not one of them slapped anyone. Their choice of weapon was a fist. I didn't know men slapped each other. Even in girl fights, I don't think they slap. They do pull hair. What was with the slap?

After a week of TV analysis of this event, I concluded that no one looked at this in a positive way except a couple of Jada's friends who thought Will's defending her "honor" was what a husband should do. Maybe he should have waited until he caught Chris in a dark alley without cameras. Maybe he should have composed himself and let it go until the fire was gone from his belly. He might have to live with this for a long time.

No one likes a joke at the expense of those we love. I have never found those who make fun of others like Joan Rivers did or Kathy Griffith or Don Rickles humorous. I didn't find Chris Rock's joke funny. It certainly didn't rise to the level of invoking violence. As for Chris Rock, I give him credit for not striking back. He turned the other cheek, moved forward with his presentation, and left the stage. His only comment was that Will Smith just slapped him.

In the move for which he won an Oscar to a standing ovation, he played the part of a man whose actions weren't far from what he did on that stage. Maybe he was still in character. Maybe he thought he was King Richard, maybe he thinks he's King Smith. He has become infamous now for his violence rather than famous for his award. In the blink of an eye, we all make choices we would like to take back; I bet he wishes he had stayed at home that night.

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This story was posted on 2022-04-02 08:53:37
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