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Fiscal Court Recap

From Gale B. Cowan
Adair County Judge Executive

The Adair County Fiscal Court met in regular session on Monday night, March 14, 2022 at the Jim Blair Recreation Center. There was a large crowd in attendance as some topics of interest was on the agenda. Judge Cowan began the meeting with a moment of silence in remembrance of Kevin Jones, E911 dispatcher and mapping coordinator, who passed away last week.

Natural Gas Discussion was one of the hot topics on the agenda. Judge Cowan stated that this had been a topic of discussion that began with former Judge Executive Michael Stephens. Judge Cowan said she had had several constituents ask her to continue the discussions of getting a county wide gas program in Adair County. She even visited a county in Northern Kentucky a couple years ago that had the county wide gas and water together. They spoke highly of this and said it worked well for them. Judge Cowan stated she felt this was a good idea to look into and to see if it would be feasible for Adair County to establish a county wide gas system and recommended establishing a committee to look into forming a county wide gas department. The fiscal court voted unanimously to allow Judge Cowan to form a 3 member committee to research the feasibility and what the next steps would be to forming a county wide natural gas system.

The fiscal court also voted to once again enter into a program with World Wide Equipment to purchase a Mack dump truck for the road department. With this program, the court can purchase the truck, use for one year, and then resell the truck. Over the past 3 years the fiscal court is over $2,000 ahead in purchase vs selling price. That doesn't sound like a lot, but with this a new truck every year and this cuts maintenance cost to almost nothing.

The fiscal court approved a engineering quote from Greg Eastham Engineering for a bridge on the Old Glensfork Road. The state lowered the weight limit on this structure from 18 ton to 3 ton and now a school bus can't cross the structure.

ARPA (American Rescue Plan Act) Committee had advertised for a "Request for Proposal" to redo the playground at the Jim Blair Recreation Center. The advertisement ask that bids be submitted for a Inclusive Playground. After viewing the proposal, magistrates voted to view some playgrounds nearby and to bring back up at the next meeting.

The next meeting of the Adair Co. Fiscal Court will be held on March 28, 2022 at the Jim Blair Recreation Center at 4:00 p.m. CST. Beginning in April, meeting will be held back at the Adair Co. Annex Basement.

This story was posted on 2022-03-17 10:24:23
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