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Mayor's Report to City Council January, 2022

Mayor Pamela Hoots gave the following report to the Columbia City Council on activities in January, 2022:

Congratulations to Sharon Payne, who has been named the Chairman of the Board for the Lake Cumberland Area Development District. Mayor Hoots was named Chairman of the Transportation Committee.

It has been an extremely busy month with lots of meetings at the city.

3. Tiffany McCloud Collins is our representative for the Pride Committee for waste management.

4. Tiffany McCloud Collins completed the waste management report for the county.

5. The new counseling service on Merchant Street, HOPE, will have their open house and ribbon-cutting on February 14. They urge everyone to attend.

6. Thanks to Darren Henson, who continues to assist us with projects on our various parks.

7. Our flags for veterans project is going well. We so appreciate everyone that has procured a flag in a local veterans name.

8. Tiffany Collins and Steven Baker worked on the renewal of the annual supplier agreement for our gas.

9. Craig Lasley replaced lighting in the building at the pavilion at the city park.

10. Terry Johnson replaced lighting at the Columbia City Police Department.

11. Thanks to our Public Works Department for a job well done. They have been out consistently with all of the weather and snow. If you see one of them out, please say thank you. Tim Smith, Jackie Chapman, Sam Baker, and Aaron Gaskins.

12. Craig and Terry have completed the floors in the basement. They did a great job. We appreciate Phillip and Jordan helping.

13. Floors cleaned in city hall and police department area.

14. The new Durango SUVs for the Columbia Police Department have arrived. They are being outfitted for police vehicles at this time. We will be sharing when they return.

15. Synergy Food Group has begun moving their product into the former Majestic Yachts location. They have hired six people (and, anticipating more as they begin operation).

16. Durrett Test Kitchen has announced their intentions to locate in our community. They plan on hiring around fifty people. We appreciate Barry and LeAnne Durrett; and, Dr. Max and Patricia Downey, who own the property for this new business.

17. We had a drive for the local animals shelters this month. This is something we try to do twice a year. Sugarfoot Farm Rescue and Green River Animal Shelter.

18. Holly Necessary has joined our police force. She will be attending training at the Criminal Justice Center later this year.

19. Attended the reception for Dylan Gentry, the new Family Services Agent at the Extension Office.

20. Cookout Restaurant opened January 1, 2022. They are doing well. We thank them for locating in our community.

21. The Street Department has picked up several loads of brush during the month.

22. Did a review and check on all restroom facilities at all park areas.

This story was posted on 2022-02-08 20:02:52
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Bid approved to begin phase one for walking track

2022-02-08 - Columbia, KY - Photo by Linda Waggener, archives.
There was only one bid received at Monday night's City Council meeting to do phase one of the grounds development on what is being called, for now, the Burkesville Street Park. The bid was for just under $40,000 from former owner John Brockman and was approved.

The 17-acre property could be called the Ralph Hurt Park, or the Pam Foust Park for the most recent family to live there, or it could be called the Chimneys Park to reflect all that is left of the historic home after it burned while efforts were being made by the City to save it.

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