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January is National Radon Action Month

To request a free radon test kit, contact the Kentucky Radon Program at (502) 564-4856.

By Wynona S. Padgett, Regional Cancer Control Specialist I
Lake Cumberland Kentucky Cancer Program

Lexington, KY -- January is National Radon Action Month, a time to raise awareness of the health effects of radon and take action to lower your risk. Radon is a naturally occurring radioactive gas that seeps up from the ground and into homes, schools, worksites, and other indoor spaces through cracks in the foundation or basement or around pipes. It is colorless, tasteless and odorless and can cause lung cancer; you would have no way of knowing if it has infiltrated your home unless you test for it. Yet, few people test for the radioactive gas.

Kentucky leads the nation in the number of new cases and deaths from lung cancer. Though the use of tobacco contributes to the majority of lung cancer cases, radon exposure is the second leading cause, accounting for 10 to 15 percent of lung cancer cases. Breathing radon is a known cause of lung cancer in nonsmokers. However, people exposed to both radon and tobacco smoke are 10 times more likely to develop lung cancer. In fact, the lifetime risk of radon-induced lung cancer is 62 per 1,000 ever smokers compared to 7 per 1,000 people who have never smoked.

  • Test your home for radon
  • Talk with a health care provider about your results
  • Fix your home if the level is high. Call a certified radon professional
  • Ask people to smoke outside
  • Tell your loved ones about the dangers of radon and tobacco smoke

This story was posted on 2022-01-22 17:17:20
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