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Tornado Relief/Assistance

By Gale B. Cowan
Adair County Judge Executive

As usual, Adair County residents are stepping up and wanting to help our friends and neighbors affected by the devastating tornadoes over the weekend. I have been in contact with these county officials and legislators all weekend offering assistance and asking what the immediate needs are. The first and most important....PRAYER! Pray for the families that lost loved ones, pray for those who have lost everything, pray for the first responders and the elected officials.

I will be on a statewide zoom call in the morning to discuss the immediate needs in each county and community that was affected by the tornados. The purpose of the call is to communicate the exact needs for each community and how to distribute and meet these needs.

We want to help in any way we can. But, we don't want to over run these communities with things they don't need right now and then they have to find a way to store items. We know these families will need clothing, household items, etc., but for now, a lot of these families have nowhere to put these things. They may need money more than supplies for now to help with rent until they can get a home rebuilt.

We hopefully will know more tomorrow and I will put out a needs list as soon as we hear from each community.

Thank you Adair County for stepping up once again in times of need.

This story was posted on 2021-12-13 11:32:05
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