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Signing ceremony for CMC inclusion as part of TJCMF

The T.J. Community Mission Foundation (TJCMF) and Community Medical Care (CMC) are excited to announce the two organizations are joining forces through the inclusion of CMC as a program of the TJCMF. On Thursday, November 18, leadership of both organizations and the community gathered to honor the move through a joint resolution signing ceremony.

Following the approval of the board of directors of both organizations, CMC will become "Community Medical Care: A Program of the T.J. Community Mission Foundation". And, although CMC as a separate 501c3 non-profit will dissolve on Jan. 1, 2022, its mission of assisting low-income seniors and working, uninsured and underinsured adults with their every-changing medical needs will continue.

In 2020, Dr. Bharat Mody, one of the founders of CMC, began a conversation with Neil Thornbury, CEO of T.J. Regional Health, to introduce the idea of CMC merging with TJCMF in some fashion. Dr. Mody recognized the opportunity to combine the work of CMC and TJCMF in efforts to ensure the sustainability and expansion of the important program moving forward. This step is a natural progression of the work that has been done by CMC from the onset of the program.

Dr. Bharat Mody shared that, "for the last couple of years, Community Medical Care has been thinking about its future and the possibility of joining together with another charitable program. I feel that it is a good thing for both charities to serve our community together and to continue to make a difference for our seniors, our patients and our families for years to come."

Throughout the history of CMC, T.J. Regional Health, specifically T.J. Samson Community Hospital (TJSCH), has been the primary benefactor of the important services CMC has been able to provide to those in need.

Neil Thornbury, CEO of T.J. Regional Health shared, "What an exciting opportunity this is for these two wonderful organizations to come together. T.J. Samson Community Hospital is proud to have been a part of the storied history of CMC and the service it has provided so many in this community for the past twenty years. We are thrilled this will provide a path forward for that work to continue for many more years to come."

Tina Combs, Director of Community Medical Care, will become an employ of TJRH/TJCMF and continue to coordinate the good work of CMC while becoming a vital piece in the continued growth of TJCMF.

For the time being, the offices of CMC will remain in its current location at 204 N. Race Street as plans are finalized to eventually house the TJCMF and CMC staff in the same work location on the campus of TJSCH.

Jannell Pedigo, current Chairperson of the CMC Board of Directors, has accepted the invitation to become the newest member of the TJCMF Board of Directors. Her presence on the TJCMF Board, along with board members Larry Glass and William Twyman, also long time members of the CMC Board, will be invaluable through the transition. Dr. Mody has also agreed to serve as an advisor both during the transition and as needed in the future.

Doug Landers, Chairperson of the TJCMF Board of Directors shared, "The T.J. Community Mission Foundation wants to thank everyone associated with Community Medical Care and let them know we are honored to start this new relationship. The T.J. Community Mission Foundation will strive to continue the great works done in the past and believe we can contribute many new services that are needed in the region. We wish to thank everyone that has supported Community Medical Care in the past and in the future."

T.J. Community Mission Foundation was founded in 2014 as the philanthropic arm of T.J. Regional Health and T.J. Samson Community Hospital to fulfill its mission of building healthier communities in the region it serves. Community Medical Care was founded in 2002 to assist low-income seniors and working, uninsured and underinsured adults of Barren County with their ever-changing medical needs.

This story was posted on 2021-11-20 08:55:27
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TJCMF - CMC Signing Ceremony

2021-11-20 - Glasgow, KY - Photo courtesy TJ Regional Health.
The T.J. Community Mission Foundation (TJCMF) and Community Medical Care (CMC) are excited to announce the two organizations are joining forces through the inclusion of CMC as a program of the TJCMF. On Thursday, November 18, leadership of both organizations and the community gathered to honor the move through a joint resolution signing ceremony.

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