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Hopkins introduced as president-elect of CU

By Gerard Flanagan

Campbellsville, KY - Dr. Joseph "Joe" Hopkins was introduced to the faculty, staff and students of Campbellsville University during a special-called meeting on Tuesday, November 8, 2021, at Ransdell Chapel.

"This is an exciting moment for this institution," Dr. H. Keith Spears, president for Campbellsville University, said.

Spears said this was a new chapter in the life of Campbellsville University and one that would be remembered for years to come.

Henry Lee, chair of the Campbellsville University Board of Trustees, took the stage to introduce Hopkins to the crowd.

"We have taken deliberate and careful steps in seeking a new president, and it has been a long, continuous process finalizing candidates from a nationwide search," Lee said. "We have concentrated on individuals who can manage this complex organization and bring a vision of continued growth yet maintain the credibility of its mission."

Hopkins and his wife, Suzanne, were welcomed with a standing ovation.

"It's good to be at Campbellsville University," Hopkins said. "We have been waiting for this moment, hoping for this moment and looking forward to this moment."

"What an incredible treasure for the state of Kentucky and this country to have a place like Campbellsville University, a Christ-centered institution that is transforming lives, preparing men and women to serve in their communities and be the salt and light for a world that is in need."

Hopkins laid out three core values that provide the foundation for his vision for the institution. Remaining a Christ-centered university, being "woven together" as an institution, and being a campus of "love that is beyond description" were going to be guiding principles, Hopkins said.

"We must keep the Word of God as our guide," Hopkins said. "That must be our plumb line. What has happened at this institution in the last few years is a true transformation, and we're excited about the trajectory. It's very clear this university will continue in these incredible directions and continue to reach more and more people."

Dr. Donna Hedgepath, provost and vice president for academic affairs, presented a Campbellsville University lapel pin to Hopkins with assistance from Dr. Jeanette Parker, associate vice president for academic affairs, professor of psychology and dean of faculty, and Dr. Joe Early, professor of theology and chair of the faculty forum.

The pin was presented to Hopkins "as a symbol of our unity as faculty and our support to you," Hedgepath said.

Hopkins said he was honored and excited to build on the 115-year history of Campbellsville University.

"You're going in the right direction, and I'm looking forward to lending my strength to what's already been planted in this place," he said.

Hopkins, 55, is in his 16th year as the dean of the School of Arts at Samford University in Birmingham, Ala. He will officially assume the role of president on Feb. 1, 2022.

This story was posted on 2021-11-12 06:33:57
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CU: Hopkins introduced as president-elect

2021-11-12 - Campbellsville, KY - Photo by Brett Pierce.
Dr. Joe Hopkins, right, and his wife, Suzanne, walk in Campbellsville University's Alumni and Friends Park in Noe Plaza. Hopkins will become Campbellsville University's 12th president on Feb. 1, 2022.

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CU: Dr. Hopkins meets with the Board of Trustees

2021-11-12 - Campbellsville, KY - Photo by Brett Pierce, Campbellsville University.
Members of the Campbellsville University Board of Trustees met with Campbellsville University President-elect Dr. Joe Hopkins, seated at right, and his wife, Suzanne, at a dinner at Swan’s Landing November 9, 2021. Trustees from left are: Front row – Hilda Legg, Billy Ray Smith, Barry Bertram, Dr. James Jones, Dr. Larry Noe, chair of the president search committee; Henry Lee, board chair; Dr. Jay Conner, Paul Osborne, Pat Burkhart, Dr. Anna Mary Byrdwell and Malinda Smith. Back row – Dr. Alan Medders, Ivan Bennett, Guy Montgomery, the Rev. Matt Smyzer, Ron Rafferty, Kenny Bennett, Tommy Turner, Steve Wright, Dr. Joe Owens, Jerry Blankenship, Dr. Jay Robison, Dr. Joel Carwile and Kwaku Osebreh.

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