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Letter: Clippings on roadway can be dangerous

Comments re: May is Motorcycle Safety Awareness Month

By Harry Mack

One item not mentioned in the article is a dangerous situation created many times by people mowing their grass.

How many times have you seen freshly mowed grass on the road you are driving on? If you are in your car, you probably don't even notice it. What if you were on two wheels? Fresh cut and slippery grass is a danger to a motorcycle. If you ever had ridden a motorcycle with a group of other riders and they come across grass on the roadway, you will notice they will slow way down and avoid the grass as much as possible, even going to the other lane to avoid it.

Why? To avoid a crash from sliding on the grass. Why do people put their grass on the roadway? They probably don't even think about it but I am here to let you know you are causing a danger. Would you want to be the one to cause a serious injury or death to a motorcycle rider? I hope not. Now that I have made you aware of this, please point your mower's discharge the other way when mowing next to a road.

Another factor is to consider is, is putting your cut grass on the roadway is illegal where you live? I know of one municipality considering making a law against doing this. Also, for you lawyer types, would this be considered littering? If is or not, is it that hard to point your mower's discharge the other way?

So, think about it the next time you see a single motorcycle or a line of many motorcycles that may be a funeral escort or just together for a fun ride, keep your grass in your yard. Prevent tragedy for both the motorcycle rider and you.

This story was posted on 2021-05-09 14:28:22
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