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History Monday: Murray's Filling Station

By Mike Watson

New Filling Station to be Erected--Mr. Albin Murray is razing his storehouse on Burkesville Street, formerly occupied by Broaddus Grocery, and plans to build a filling station on that site right away. He plans to use the lumber from the building he is tearing down to build a residence on his lot next to the city cemetery, on Campbellsville Street. The filling station has not been leased as yet, though several people want it. Adair County News, 20 July 1932, p1.

Armstead Swope Broaddus, Jr. was operating his grocery and advertising in the News by mid-October 1929.

New Filling Station Completed--Mr. Albin Murray's new filling station on Burkesville Street is completed and the opening will be announced at an early date. This station is attractive in appearance and is ideally located, being just one block off the public square, on one of Columbia's busiest streets. Adair County News, 23 November 1932, p1.

Advertisement--Murray's Filling Station Now Open. One Brock from Public Square on Burkesville Street. Standard Oil Products. Frank Triplett, Manager. Adair County News, 7, 14 December 1932.

Frank Triplett and his wife returned to Columbia, having lived in Detroit, Michigan, to make their home as reported 25 May 1932 in the News.

Frank Triplett is reported recovering at his home here today from serious injuries received when an alleged attempt to kill him was made at his store on Burkesville Street Saturday night at 10:30. Two young men were in the county jail under bond charged with armed robbery. He was injured by shot from a shotgun at the hands of one of the accused robbers. News, 15 January 1936.

Goode & Dohoney: Advertisement--Notice: We wish to inform the Public that the Murray's Service Station is now under the management of Gilbert Goode and Will Dohoney. Standard Gas and Oils, Auto Accessories, Washing and Greasing. Your Patronage Solicited. Adair County News, 22, 29 January 1936.

Dohoney & Ingram: Advertisement--Announcing: Earl Ingram as a partner at the former Murray Filling Station, having purchased the interest of Gilbert Goode. Station now under management of Mr. Ingram and W.T. Dohoney, Jr. Aetna Products sold here, Pennzip Gas and Pennzoil Oil, Ajax and U.S. Tires. Cars Greased and Washed! Tire Repairing! Adair County News, 16 September 1936.

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Advertisement for Murray's Filling Station

2021-03-22 - Columbia, KY - Photo courtesy Mike Watson.
An advertisement for the opening of Murray's Filling Station from the Adair County News in December 1932.

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