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High Schools in Adair County

Information in response to: Letter: all the schools before consolidation

By Mike Watson
  • Breeding High
  • Bryant High
  • Columbia High
  • Glensfork High
  • Gradyville High
  • Knifley High
  • Jackman High
Breeding High: The school was reorganized in June 1936 as an accredited high school. Closed in 1953 when all the county high schools were consolidated into Adair County High.

Bryant High: In April 1925 the School Board approved erection of a four-room building. It was discontinued at end of the 1933-1934 school year; re-established as two-year high school in May 1936.

Columbia High: The independent high school was established about the time the old Male and Female High School ceased to operate, in 1908. It continued until a merger with the Adair County High School and, eventually, the consolidated county high school.

Glensfork High: Board voted to establish a junior high here in December 1927. A new building was to be constructed, finished in 1928.

Gradyville High: Board voted to create a junior high at Gradyville in April 1928; voted in June 1936 to make it a four-year high school; closed August 1939.

Knifley High: Knifley operated for short terms as a two-year high school, particularly in 1931.

Jackman High: Prior to the Jackman High Building, the Samuel Colridge Taylor building housed a two-year high school on the same site. In February 1925 the county school board approved a plan to establish a black elementary and four-year high school at Columbia after a request made of the Board by Emma Alexander and Mamie Copeland. A four-year high school would prevent black students from the necessary removal to other counties to complete their education. Black citizens were charged to raise $500 and Columbia/Adair citizens would match dollar for dollar. Black citizens were to furnish the ground adjoining the present school site and to increase the site to three acres. Board was to build the schoolhouse. Originally called Columbia Training High School for Blacks. Sold to the City Board of Education in 1941; burned January 1954, classes were held in local churches temporarily. In 1954 the Board voted to plan another building on the site.

Also: See earlier article on CM: Adair County's one- and two-room schools

This story was posted on 2021-02-12 14:02:58
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