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Letter: Vaccine supply is limited

We appreciate the hard work Gary put into his analysis below, but a mea culpa is required, because LCDHD do, in fact, publish their charts of COVID statistics every single day, and we don't want them blamed for our editorial decision. We've only posted them to Columbia Magazine every 3-7 days because that seemed more than sufficient for readers to stay up to date on area trends. We apologize for any confusion this might have caused to readers. A wealth of up-to-date information is always available at --Pen

Gary Rose writes:

Let us talk numbers since the LCDHC likes to do that. 4,000 doses of vaccine, sounds great, but that is for 10 counties. Assuming that each county will be getting equal doses each county will be getting 400 doses. Doing a google search for the population of each county in the LCDHD, the population of the district is 209,475 based on the US Census Bureau. Assuming that the doses will be distributed by county population then Adair County with a population of 19,222 (9.18% of LCDHD population) will be getting 367 doses. Pulaski county with a population of 64,979 which is 31.02% of the LCDHD will be getting 1241 doses.

In another article dated 2021-01-23 from the LCDHD it read "Currently, the state is only getting about 50,000 doses per week to spread across a population of about 4.5 million." 50,000 doses a week, sounds like a lot, but at that rate, it will take 90 weeks to vaccinate the state with just one dose. For two doses it becomes 180 weeks or 3.46 years. Some people have had both doses while the majority are still waiting to get their first.

When the LCDHD puts out their chart of Covid-19 stats every 3 to 7 days that they never mention how many tests were performed or out of those tests how many were negative or what the percentage of the district is not infected. Why not?

Using the LCDHD's own numbers in the chart dated Jan 26, 2021, district-wide there were a total of 17,431 cases resulting in 832.55 cases per 10,000. With some simple math, you will see that works out to 9167.45 per 10,000 or 91.68% which equals 192,044 of the 209,475 population of the LCDHD that has not been infected with Covid-19. --Gary Rose

This story was posted on 2021-02-05 14:59:47
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