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History Monday: What Might You Find? And Where?

By Mike Watson

Recently this was posted in an on-line group: "Research material can turn up anywhere--in a dusty old letter in an archive, a journal, or some old photographs you found in a charity shop."--Sara Sheridan.

No statement could be more true. We who seek to find and preserve history search everywhere, even in unlikely places. Things find those who seek, I believe. And information may be derived from unlikely sources.

The following item was found in a North Carolina newspaper from 1827. It concerns a kidnapping, forced servitude, revolution, love, old age and death. From England to America to Kentucky. This is only indirectly connected to Adair County, but is fully grounded in Green County.

"[Died] In Greensborough, Ky., John Miles, in the 93d year of his age. He was born in England, near the city of London, in the year 1734. In the year 1753 he was kidnapped, and brought to America, and sold in the State of Maryland for the term of five years. At the commencement of the Revolution, he entered the American service as a private soldier, in which capacity he continued during the whole of the struggle for Independence. Shortly after the close of the war he emigrated to Kentucky, where he married and resided ever since. His wife, the only relation known to him in America, died about 12 months since, in the 83d year of her age; and what is remarkable of this aged couple is, that neither of them had ever taken a dose of medicine, or been bled in the course of their lives. For the last 12 years of his life, he was confined to his room, on account of a rupture and total blindness." [Raleigh Register and North Carolina Gazette, Raleigh, NC, 10 August 1827, Friday, p3, "Died"]
From England to Greensburg, Kentucky, 1734 to 1827. This historic tidbit was still waiting to be found in 2020, to aid some researcher, somewhere. Remember, every bit of information is valuable to someone, somewhere. Preserve our history. Don't throw it away, ask about preserving letters, papers, documents, photographs of any type. --Mike Watson, 14 June 2020

This story was posted on 2020-06-15 07:09:09
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