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Mike Watson's History Monday: Dr. John Dudley Winston

History Monday... By Mike Watson

Columbia and Adair County have been well-known for many different things over the centuries. Columbia was long known as a center of learning with institutions such as: Robertson's Academy, Columbia Male & Female High, Columbia Christian College, and Lindsey Wilson Training School, later College.

Columbia was also known as the home of many capable physicians. In former times, a student of medicine "read medicine" with an experienced practitioner, then took classes in Lexington, Louisville, Philadelphia, or Nashville Medical Schools. One prominent physician of Columbia and Adair County, who made a name for himself in Nashville, was Dr. John D. Winston.

Dr. John Dudley Winston
Nashville Union and American, Nashville, TN, 26 September 1873, page 4--

Tribute of Respect to the Late Dr. J.D. Winston -- At a meeting of the physicians of the City of Nashville held on Sept. 25th, 1873, at the office of Drs. Briggs and Nichol, Dr. Atchison being in the chair, Dr. Atchison made the following remarks:

John Dudley Winston was born in Louisa County, Virginia Oct. 2, 1805, and emigrated with his parents to Green County, KY, in 1810, where he resided until he completed his medical education. He attended both his courses of lecture at Transylvania University, where he was graduated, 1827. As special student of his celebrated kinsman, Prof. Dudley, he enjoyed unusual opportunities, of which he fully availed himself. He commenced the practice of his profession in Columbia, KY, where he enjoyed a large and lucrative practice in medicine and surgery.

He next removed to Georgetown, KY, where he was very successful, until he came to Nashville in 1853 at the solicitation of many friends. In this city he became the partner of Charles K. Winston, M.D., and immediately took a front rank in and with the profession. He was President of the City Society, and also of the State Medical Society, of both which Associations he was a very industrious and faithful member. At the outbreak of the late civil war, he was appointed by the Governor of Tennessee President of the Medical Examining Board. In all his relations, both public and private, he commanded the entire confidence and esteem of his associates.

In 1836 he connected himself with the Baptist Church. He was a favored and active member in the advancement of all Christian charities. As a citizen, he was kind and affable, possessing a quiet insight into all enterprises leading to progress and development, and lending unsparing his means and influence to every improvement looking to the good of his adopted city, which he loved with all the ardor of his earnest nature.

Dr. Winston belonged to that old and nearly extinct school of medical men represented by Shelby, Ford, Morton, McNairy, who magnified their office by their devotion to the truth, unvarying personal dignity, and chivalrous professional courtesy. It behooves us as a profession to preserve the memory of our deceased brother, and emulate his virtues, that we like him may magnify our calling and make it honorable.

...(death) occurred at the residence of his son-in-law, Mr. Gordon, on Wednesday, Sept. 24, at 12 o'clock...

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