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Mike Watson: Do You Remember When?

Many items given below to test your knowledge. At least two clues are given that will narrow the date. Go ahead, hazard a guess, date will be given later, at the discretion of the editor.

Do You Remember When?...

The Methodist Church at Sparksville, pastored by Rev. M.B. Hodges, was dedicated?

Bert Harper and Robert Parson were added to the field force of the State Alcohol Beverage Control Board?

Primary elections in Kentucky were held in August?

Miss Roberta Dillon taught Bible and Religious Education at Lindsey Wilson Junior College; Mrs. Irene Blair Adams operated the Training School; Mrs. Frances Childs Durham, Education; Miss Noma Dix Winston, History and Modern Languages; John Montgomery, Mathematics; Miss Elva Goodhue, Science; Miss Dorothy Riddle, Secretarial Science; and Miss Katie Murrell was Librarian?

Gradyville Methodist Church's annual Homecoming had an attendance of more than 1,000? Rev. T.L. Hulse delivered the morning sermon and the noon meal was spread on tables measuring 72 feet in length?

Miss Margaret Clayton left the Columbia High School faculty to teach in Louisville?

Lewis Bryant, Howard Branham and Delano Bryant, 4-H members, were credited with growing some of the best tobacco in Adair County as their projects?

Johnie Burton was Tax Commissioner of Adair County?

Dr. W.R. Murphy, the optometrist, practiced in an office over Paull Drug Company on the Square? He was in Columbia only two days each month--the first Monday and Tuesday of the month.

Dr. Robert D. Ingram, chiropractor, had offices on the first floor of the Hancock Hotel?

Frances Blaydes was teacher at East Big Creek School? Wilma Marshall was teacher at Yellow Hammer? Mrs. Anna Wethington was teacher at Egypt? Bettie Cundiff was teacher at Mt. Pleasant?

Royse Shoe Shop was in operation at Garlin, open Thursday through Saturday?

Goff's Furniture Store was located on Campbellsville Street?

The Rialto Movie Theatre ran a Thursday matinee at 2:30?

Customers could first buy shoes in Columbia that were "ration free"?

A grocery customer at White Cash Market, owned by Roy B. Owen, could buy the following: Orange juice, 45 cents for 47 ounce can; rice, one pound box for 14 cents; Log Cabin Syrup, 25 cents for 22 ounce bottle; Post Raisin Bran, 11 cents per box; quart canning jars, 69 cents per dozen; White Plume brand coffee, 65 cents for three pounds; Lily Rose flour, $1.25 for twenty-five pounds?

Aaron Pyle was injured in a motorcycle accident near Indianapolis, Indiana?

Reade Heskamp, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Reade Heskamp, of Lakewood, Ohio, was stationed at Denison University, Granville, Ohio, training in the Naval Air Corps?

At least two clues are given that narrow the date. Go ahead, hazard a guess, date will be given later, at the discretion of the editor. --MCW.

This story was posted on 2018-12-02 15:10:09
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